Contact Us
Are you in need of any of the following?
Mental health assessments for your child or youth?
Counselling services and therapy for children and youth?
Counselling and therapy for couples and families?
A specialized, unique approach to all of the above?
If so, we would love to hear from you. We are a specialized paediatric counselling and treatment clinic located in the heart of Port Moody BC. We are dedicated to providing evidenced-based therapy to children, youth, and their families.
Get in touch with us and let's find out how we can help you, together.
Join Us
Looking to join our team?
We are always looking for that special someone to join us at Bright Star. 
You need a minimum of a Master Degree in either occupational therapy, speech 
pathology, counselling psychology, clinical psychology or social work.

Please contact us at:
Internship Program
Are you a student looking to gain paediatric mental health experience? We take students that are completing their masters at a recognized university program.
To apply please contact our clinical director Sonja Braig